Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And a little child shall lead them.......

The destination of choice today was the CO-EX Mall. Now Betty Lynn and malls mix like oil and water, sooooooo I used this as an opportunity to catch up on some work while *ahem* Erin led our visitors to CO-EX. After much prayer, they made it there without a hitch, and were able to catch the recently released Pirates movie.

Coming home was a bit of a different story. Erin was going to put Bonita off at our subway stop, then she and Ever were going to stay on the train and head to Camp Casey. Weeeeeeeeell, Erin sent a cell phoneless Bonita packing at the wrong subway stop. Although she knew she was at the wrong place, she had the smarts to just stay put and I made my way to her. I started hollering "Marco!" as soon as I got off the escalator and found "Polo" studying a subway map with an attendant.

What would a trip be without a little bit of blonde induced adventure?

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