Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Proverbs 6:9 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.

Two all nighters in one week - whoever planned New Years and Christmas so close together was not thinking about us. We had a fellowship at the chapel where everyone got together and played a variety of games like Scrabble, Spades, Phase 10, Dominoes, Bingo and of course X-Box. We also ate lots of food, so we could start 2007 out with a sugar rush.

At 11:45, we moved into the sanctuary for a prayer service. Afterwards, many went home, but there were a few die-hards that stayed on for more games and such. Even when others had dozed off in the wee hours, the chaplain was still glued to the X-Box. Hey, it was Nascar! They played for about 7 hours straight, and this picture was taken about 6:45 AM.
Erin, a budding photographer, managed to take pictures of a few guys recovering from the chaplain's wild party. The fellow deep in ummmm....... prayer?..... on the sanctuary pew is the new Chaplain's Assistant, Ricky. He seems to have a high tolerance for Snelling shenanigans and is pretty good at Spades too.

And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the assistant wrapped in a swaddling sleeping bag, lying in a pew.

I think we will keep him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The soldier asleep surrounded by remote controls looks like a child surrounded by candy and toys!!