Friday, January 5, 2007

Back In The Saddle

The smell of horsey poo and hay is like a drug for Erin, and she had been cold turkey for too long. Even though she did not have any of her real horse gear, Erin was on a horse and that is all that mattered. She looked like a red-neck bumpkin out there in her camouflage hunting boots, jeans, hoodie and vest - not like someone ready to ride English, must less jump. The Koreans at the stables were all dressed like they were ready for a horse show, so someone was sticking out like a sore thumb. We rented her a helmet and some chaps, then she was ready to go.

Erin was really wanting to jump, but these instructors had never seen her ride and most jumpers have their own horse. After they let her ride for about 20 minutes, they moved her to the jumping ring. They placed the cavaletti on the ground and Erin walked her horse, Sugar, over the obstacles. A little bit later, the instructors set up two obstacles and moved the bars into an X so Erin could actually do a little low jumping. I thought she was finished for the day, but they changed the second obstacle into a 2 foot jump and Erin was soaring - literally and figuratively.

At this particular stable, there are about 6-7 elderly Korean men that care for the horses. They bring the horse to the ring already tacked up and then take the horse from you when you are finished. Since Erin has always done this for herself, she asked and they let her groom her horse. I think this surprised the men a little bit, and a couple of them even got a chuckle out of it when she was cleaning out Sugar's ears with a towel and kissing her on the nose.

Even though it is a four hour round trip subway ride, I imagine we will be back.

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