Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Hard Day of Work....... my pajamas.

that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest.

Miri had to work today since they are still having finals at Myongji, so I stayed at her apartment and graded exams in my "home office attire". I spread the tests and score keys out on the bed and just worked my fingers to the bone. With a little Excel magic, we managed to get all her tests scored and the grades posted. It was five hours and a late night, but we did it! The hot chocolate and smores gave us the needed energy to pull through. Here we are in her university office entering information on the computers:
I eventually had to get dressed because we went to Emart to gather food stuffs which would ensure our survival over the next couple of days. Here is a shot of me outside the Emart with their hugemongous granite sculpture of a vase of flowers that were too big to be in the picture and a kitty (Bonita & Ever, this picture was made with y'all in mind.) All this granite makes me sorta miss the funeral business! Kay, I want my headstone to look like one of those flowers - then there will always be flowers on my grave! LOL
Here is most of what we purchased. I cannot believe I took a picture of our grocery store exploits, but I still think it is so cool to see Korean stuff and packaging, so y'all get to see it too.
As you can tell, we went a little heavy in the snack food department, but there are still a few good for you items in here! One of the neatest things about grocery shopping in Korea is how companies use free items to entice you to buy their stuff. Their tuna had four cans in a great plastic bowl, the coffee had a little blanket attached to it, and the toilet paper had FOUR free rolls taped to the outside of the package.

You can also eat your way through Emart sampling the food. Thanks to the cunning marketing of the sampling ladies, we bought a few items not on the shopping list - a package of pizza mandu (A delicious collision of cultures) and some sweet potato pastries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that Quincey's truck can handle that large granite rose in Harnett Memorial Park. Can you select something a TAD bit smaller. Glad to see you ate something other than little fishies.