Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Seeing Is NOT Believing

I wandered into Seoul again, and will probably make this a regular event. There is alot to see, and the public transportation cannot be beat. I have traded in my beloved mini van for a subway car.

As I was strolling through the subway tunnels trying to make my way to the next adventure, I was waylaid by a food vendor. Here is the picture of her automatic treat maker:

The first nozzle is the batter and then the second nozzle is the filling. The cast iron molds are automatically pushed across the hot plate until they reach the other side baked to perfection.

Of course, I had to taste these little things.

Now look closely at this treat:

What exactly do you see? Click it for a larger view, just to be sure.

See that yellow glob of filling in the center of the purple CORN shaped cake? Care to take a guess at what taste sensation I received when I bit into one of these? (Thank goodness it was NOT fish!)

Corn maybe - nope? It was sweet potato. Even though the taste was waaaaaaaaay off in the expectation department, once my taste buds recovered they were still happy.

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