Tuesday, November 7, 2006


Here is Meghan at the bus stop on her first day of college.
Look out Biology 101, here she comes!

Of course, that means a couple of parents have entered the world of tuition. The college messed up and ran her tuition through the credit card THREE times. :O After an initial credit limit heart attack we got that little matter straightened out - actually the college had already began fixing it when I stumbled back to their financial office.

Do not think we are keeping this bliss to ourselves. No way! We are sharing the joy. Meghan gets to pay for all her textbooks, so she had the opportunity for a bit of exhaltation herself! (snicker)

That is not her books she is carrying, but her new "swiftboard" and helmet.
It has alot of different names, but it is basically a jointed skateboard with only two wheels. The wheels are like casters, so they spin around a full 360 degrees. Because it is jointed in the middle of the board, you can propel yourself without ever touching the ground - just twist your feet in opposite directions.

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