Friday, November 10, 2006

Embarking On A New Adventure

UPDATE: I made it there and back, with no problems. I am sure it had more to do with my command of the Korean language and sense of direction than it had to do with Miri's d-e-t-a-i-l-e-d instructions and worrying. Photos will be forthcoming, as soon as I get the ones from Miri's camera.


I am off to Miri's for an overnight adventure. If I am never heard from again, it means I am standing at a bus stop somewhere in Seoul trying to figure out which bus to board.......

If you have to send out a search party, you will need identifying features. I am the ONLY person in Korea with big hair!!


Anonymous said...

Have fun on your big adventure....Hey big hair is great thing... Those fishy things look pretty good..To bad you can't airmail them home...kimmer

Anonymous said...

I KNEW your big hair would come in handy one day
