Friday, September 22, 2006

The Orphanage

I finally had the opportunity to visit one of the orphanages. It was a quick visit after a Battalion FRG meeting to see what the children needed and to introduce ourselves to the director and some of the adult workers. There are 58 or so children at this orphanage, and they were all really sweet - bashful at first, but nothing a little candy could not fix. It was awkward when the director brought the children into the room to "meet" us, but when we went out on the playground everyone was much more at ease.

The girls and I may get to help with English lessons on Sunday afternoons. I will be making contact again this week to coordinate the delivery of some supplies and plan our Sundays.

Our English may be more than they bargained for. I have been helping one of Cary's assistants, Johnny, with his vocabulary and pronunciation. Talk about a collision of cultures!! You should see poor Johnny's facial contortions, as he tries to sound out English words while suppressing his Korean accent and mimicking an Alabama drawl.

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