Thursday, September 21, 2006


Never Leave Home Without A Multi-Tool!

One morning recently, Erin and I were tending to the homefront, when the "doorbell" rang. We both jumped up to answer the video camera connected to the doorbell when all of the sudden this man started talking from INSIDE the apartment. While my brain is thinking, "Great! There is no Second Ammendment in Korea!" we go looking for the intruder. The intruder is a small speaker above the dining table.

And I thought U.S. telemarketers were aggravating!

We had never paid much attention to this speaker, as there are little gadgets and gizmos all over this apartment - video doorbells (too cool), electronic toilets (scared of that one) and motion sensitive lights (irritating). Anyway, this modern technological wonder, just dings (like a doorbell) and without warning someone starts talking in Korean. This morning, I was awakened by the ding of that speaker.

Well, NO MORE, there is an American in the house! This momma took her daughter's Gerber Knife and proceded to remove the speaker, cut the wires and replace the cover all with one U.S. made multi-tool. I wonder if I can go to jail for that.........

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