Thursday, June 7, 2007

Housing News

We had two bits of housing good news. First, we found someone to move into our apartment. We were looking for someone to move in that would want all our furniture and household items and we found them. We have also heard from our next duty station, and were told there will be a duplex ready and waiting on us when we arrive.

Here is a picture of our next home:

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Island Hopping

Since Bonita is leaving tomorrow, we decided to move ourselves closer to the airport and do a little sightseeing along the way. We found a hotel on Yeongjong Island and spent the day climbing on beach rocks (I had to kick my shoes off to scale that one) and exploring Muui Island and Silmi Beach. When planning the trip, I was reading the brochure, and could not figure out why it was extolling the virtues of the slimi (read as slimy) beaches. By the time I realized it was a typo, Silmi Beach and Island had been christened Slimy Beach and Slimy Island.

There was a bit of uncertainty when we walked from the bus stop to the ferry crossing. When exploring alone, my philosophy has always been "when in doubt, keep walking" but that is tough when you have company. We pulled it off like pros and found the ferry. We arrived on Muui Island at low tide, and if you click on the picture, you can see all the boats stranded on the extensive mud flats. By the time we left, the Yellow Sea was back to the sea wall.
Today was truly an adventure, because other than a little information from the internet, we were winging it. Besides, if everything goes smoothly, then it is not an adventure is it? At some point one must weigh what they think to be right against what one is told to do. I knew we were supposed to catch a bus on the other side of the road, but the bus driver that stopped told us otherwise. *sigh* Sometimes you can second guess yourself too much. Other than that teensy little hitch of driving off in the wrong direction, everything went pretty well. LOL

From the hotel, tomorrow's trip to the airport will be a short shuttle trip rather than a 2 hour bus ride. After the past couple of weeks, we could all use the extra sleep.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Day of Rest

..... at least for the aged. The younger ones amongst us headed to Soyo Mtn. after chapel services.

Here is Ever and Erin with some of the current Snelling "sons." With so many coming and leaving Korea, this group is always changing.

There were card games at the Food Court for the rest of us. After a floundering start, the females came back and won a decisive victory. The chaplain said it just took us a couple of hands to remember our old signals, but we will neither confirm nor deny that report.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Babbling Brook

Today's events included:

A stroll up Cheonggye Stream - a recently restored part of Korean history.

The tiniest of peeks into the markets of Dongdaemun.

A trip back to Insa-dong with her finalized shopping list in hand.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Korea Folk Village

Today, we took a USO trip to the Korean Folk Village. This is a picture of the Farmer's Music and Dance performance.We were able to see Korean food, clothing, and housing styles from the past. There were many artisans working their handicraft skills in pottery, basket and bamboo weaving, paper making, and other traditional arts. There were all sorts of unexpected moments lurking here - especially at the woodcarvers booth. One surprise was in the garden. Here I am with a small crop of Hemp. We contemplated pinching off a small souvenir to laminate and mail to my mother but figured that could easily get out of hand. We are too close to leaving for an international incident.

Afterwards, we sent the girls back to Dongducheon and took a walk up Itaewon looking for more souvenirs before heading back home ourselves.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Happy Anniversary

The traditional anniversary gift for the 20th year is china, and since I do not need any plates I will just take a country instead. Do not let it be said that I am hard to shop for! ;) The chaplain is in the field right now, but we are going to China next month for a belated anniversary trip.

Bonita and I did some baking and had cookies, cupcakes and a cake delivered to an unsuspecting chaplain in the field. Because there was no groom available, I had lunch with one of my bride's maids instead! Bonita and I rounded the girls up for another trip to the galbi restaurant on Soyo Mtn. after our sneaky little delivery of baked goods.

Here is a picture of our new step cabinet, the anniversary souvenir to ourselves. There are three pieces to this cabinet, so it can look like this, you can turn one the "step" pieces upside down on top of one another to form a buffet style cabinet or you can set the top step off to the left and make another low cabinet. Since the doors and drawers come out and can be turned upside down, you can turn the step pieces around or on end if needed. There are also drawer handles and sliding doors on the other side so it does not have to be kept against a wall. This thing is too neat, and since it is so adaptable it is perfect for the ever moving Army family.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And a little child shall lead them.......

The destination of choice today was the CO-EX Mall. Now Betty Lynn and malls mix like oil and water, sooooooo I used this as an opportunity to catch up on some work while *ahem* Erin led our visitors to CO-EX. After much prayer, they made it there without a hitch, and were able to catch the recently released Pirates movie.

Coming home was a bit of a different story. Erin was going to put Bonita off at our subway stop, then she and Ever were going to stay on the train and head to Camp Casey. Weeeeeeeeell, Erin sent a cell phoneless Bonita packing at the wrong subway stop. Although she knew she was at the wrong place, she had the smarts to just stay put and I made my way to her. I started hollering "Marco!" as soon as I got off the escalator and found "Polo" studying a subway map with an attendant.

What would a trip be without a little bit of blonde induced adventure?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Hikers on Aisle 6

Anything touristy is a long subway ride away. Since I am trying to plan Bonita's visit in such a way as to avoid exhaustion, we decided to stay close to home today.

What would a visit to Dongducheon be without a trip to Soyo Mtn? Bonita was a trooper, and we made some great pictures as we dragged ourselves up and over the mountain ridge. Afterwards, it was a late lunch at a Galbi restaurant that is conveniently located at the end of the trail.

With full tummies and tired footsies, we headed home for a quick clean up before a trip to another Korean landmark - E-Mart!

Bonita had the opportunity to explore the Korean "Wal-Mart", and we brought home a nice collection of snacks. This trip, like the trip to Insa-dong, was a reconnaissance mission and most of the purchases will be eaten - or at least sampled - so we can be sure that no suitcase space is wasted on undesirable treats.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Palace Tour

Here is the changing of the guard at Deoksugung Palace. We were able to view this ceremony and then we headed over to Changdeokgung Palace for its English (yea!) guided tour.

After making a rubbing of Korean tiles, buying some postcards and touring the Changdeokgung grounds we headed over to Insa-dong for a quick peek and review of the shopping available there. Bonita has a long list of souvenirs to buy, so we have to plan this smartly. I am keeping an eye out for '07 Christmas presents, but so far all I seem to find are things I want for myself!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Market Day

Bonita's first full day in Korea is Market Day. We took the walk to see, taste and smell (fishy!) all along the way. It was a great way to stretch legs that had been on an airplane too long and provided a leisurely way to start the Korean tour. Also, if jet lag had reared its head, we would not be too far from home.

The girls went through the market on their own. That way, they could look at and eat what interested them, and we older types could do the same. Look out ATM, here we come!