Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Tourist Within... trying to get out. Traveling around the area has been abruptly halted by various and sundry volunteer duties.
  • Chaplain's Website
  • Calling and emailing all the 2-9 wives living in the US
  • Calling the 2-9 wives living in Korea
  • Preparing the latest issue of the Manchu Messenger
  • Addressing a couple hundred envelopes for the latest issue of the Manchu Messenger
  • Planning and Coordinating Meetings and Parties
  • Steering Committee Meeting
  • Company FRG Meetings
  • Leadership Meeting
  • Iron Spouse Meeting
  • Scheduling Online Chats with the US Spouses
  • Revival Errands
  • Baby Showers
  • Coordinating Volunteers
As you can see, there is nothing here to really "write home about" much less photograph and blog, but it does take a lot of time. I have over 400 volunteer hours in Korea, and 83 of them are in March. One day in my March calendar I wrote, "Nothing!!!" Needless to say, I did not travel that day. LOL

Bonita and Ever are coming the end of May, so that will be two weeks of keeping the Korean roads and rails hot. I am already planning that visit and even have a surprise in the works. Speaking of visitors and surprises, my mother called and asked if we had room for a couple of visitors. She and Audie had talked about it, and would come to Korea if there was still time to plan a trip. As she was speaking, my brain went into overdrive to work out the timing and what we would do when they got here.

"April fools," she said.

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