Monday, April 16, 2007


Now therefore give me this mountain.......Joshua 14:12

After seven months, we finally hiked on one of the trails at Soyo-san.

Don't let the stairs fool you, we were just beginning to climb down, and this was the easy part. I do not think any of us knew what we were getting into, but it was fun. Three long grueling hours of fun. It took 2 1/2 hours to climb up the mountain, and 1/2 hour to descend. Not because descending was easy, but rather it was just straight down. After the stairs, the trail really got steep. There were just large ropes in place over the rocks and we just grabbed a rope and hung on while we tried to stay on our feet. We already have plans to go back and do it again.

We are not sure exactly WHICH trail we followed, because when we finally came to a map, the trail we hiked was not on it. We took pictures of the signs, and I will eventually get them translated, knowing a little bit about the trail is always a good thing. There is a temple on Soyo-san, and that is where our trail ended. Here we are near the temple at one of the waterfalls coming off the mountain.

Since it looks like Carolina and I are still going on the Grand Canyon birthday trip this fall, I'd better get used to this climbing business. ;)

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