Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Great Things

For Thy word's sake, and according to Thine own heart,
Hast Thou done all these great things,
To make Thy servant know them.
Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God:

We have some great things to tell today. I had sent out several post cards concerning Changam, the Handicapped Children's Home on Jeju Island, and their need for a commercial freezer. Thanks to answered prayer and 2-9 INF along with their big Manchu generosity, the freezer was paid for and installed on 13 March. I had given myself a self-imposed deadline of 30 days, and everything happend 2 days ahead of schedule.

There are about 40 residents at Changam, and the ladies were cooking three meals a day without the benefit of a commercial freezer. This new freezer will save money in their grocery budget, and that money can be reallocated to the rehabilitation services they offer the children. Since rehabilitation is not supported by government funding, freeing up funds for this very important service is a blessing to Changam.

Now I am planning a "Diaper Drive" for Changam, because diaper dollars can be shifted in the budget also. They have 24 or 25 children in diapers, and with a daily allotment of 7 diapers per child, it adds up quickly! You have prayed up a freezer, now let's pray up some diapers! (My goal is at least a month's worth of diapers before we head back to Jeju next month.)

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