Friday, December 15, 2006

Last Day With Miri

Psalm 27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

Today is my last day with Miri - she probably needs a Betty break. We traveled into Seoul today but got a late start. That meant we needed to catch an early lunch. Guess where we dined.

After eating at my second exotic Korean restaurant in four days, we headed to the orphange where Miri volunteers. I spent the next four and a half hours holding babies and preschoolers. The preschoolers loved me. If I stood up, I was carrying 2-3 of them. I was much more useful on the floor, because I could sit down and hold two in my lap while 3-4 others crawled or climbed on me. The babies loved me - I kept three of them entertained and managed to rock another to sleep. (No rocking chair mind you. There is no room for one. We sat in the floor and rocked babies there.)

There are two groups between the babies and the preschoolers and those little children did NOT love me. I was the boogie (wo)man personified. LOL When I walked in the room, they all ran to Miri and and clung to her like baby possums cling to their mother. She was surrounded, and they were not letting go! One little girl would even pucker up and get teary if I looked at her. I went off to a corner and started playing with the toys and a brave young lady ventured over; however, I think she was more interested in rescuing their precious toys than warming up to me.

The chaplain was very jealous when I told him about it and the preschoolers would have enjoyed him. He has much more stamina when it comes to spinning, tossing and wrestling in the floor with little people. Maybe next time he will get to go with us.

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