Thursday, October 26, 2006

Would you like hashbrowns with that?

Job 6:6 Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there [any] taste in the white of an egg?

I was walking to Camp Casey yesterday morning and I gave Bonita Dawn a call. (If you do not know Bonita, she is my long time "partner in crime" from Alabama.) While talking to her, I passed a street vendor selling something that smelled good, and I was hungry. Since Bonita was with me, I was feeling brave and purchased the mystery food. YUMMY! It is some kind of sweet bread - think Jiffy Cornbread, just not as grainy - with an egg right in the center. I tossed the yolk, because I cannot stand boiled eggs, but the white and the bread was too delicious - or maybe I was too hungry. Here is a picture for your viewing pleasure, but it tastes better than it looks:

If you look closely, you can see an uneaten yolk inside the wrapper! LOL
It was so good, that Erin and I are walking this morning to look for the vendor again. These things are 2 for a dollar, so it is a cheap breakfast!

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