Monday, October 2, 2006

New roommates

Well, I finally succumbed to the wails of my petless girls. Yet another animal vendor was on the streets with his profusion of potential pets.
  • Kittens - no
  • Puppies - no way
  • Birds - absolutely never, you'll have to be living in your own place miles from me!
  • Turtle - that is a possibility, but the vendor only had one.
  • Chipmunks - ground squirrels running in a wheel like a hamster is a sad thing - nope
I am looking for pet grasshoppers or some other cuddly creature, when the girls happen upon:

Dwarf Bunnies

As best as he could in his limited English, the pet vendor assured us they would not make bitty bunnies if if we covered their cage at night. Good grief - there ARE outer limits to my American ignorance! These are RABBITS!! and I do not believe a little nocturnal privacy will hinder their prolific amorosity. I assured the girls that the same gender would be a much better guarantee of birth control, so we have placed our trust in our knowledge of bunny anatomy and hopefully have two bucks.

Since these particular bunnies are too tiny for hasenpfeffer (That is a 7 1/2 in tile they are sitting on) and dwarf bunny hors d'ouvres would be a bit tedious to cook, then I am really hoping these are both male bunnnies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that the girls enjoy the baby bunnies. My kiddos thought that they were precious. We still saving the happy meal toys for ya'll. We will send a goodie box for the kids in the orphanage soon. Take care of yourself and know that ya'll all are in our prayers. Have fun!