Thursday, October 19, 2006

Devil Went Down To Georgia....

...and CDB went down to Dongducheon!

Tonight was the Charlie Daniels Band concert. A certain chaplain had been looking forward to that concert every since MWR started advertising it. We thought we would not get to attend because tonight was also the first round of the post flag football tournament - game at 6 and concert at 7. We made it!!

The team purchased new jerseys, so I inherited the chaplain's old one. I handed it off to a certain fiddler from North Carolina, and it now sports a Charlie Daniel's autograph:

That is Annie behind me. I invited Annie and Karen to the football game, and they were able to attend the concert. Neither had ever heard of CDB, but that did not stop their excitement. Mr. Daniels has a pretty busy schedule in this part of the world, and he is looking good to be 79 years old - he turns 80 in about a week. Happy Birthday CD!

We had a great time, and were in need of an evening off. Cary did not come home at all last week due to 4:30 mornings and 11:00 nights every day. It was not planned, that is just how it worked out. I brought some of his work home with me, and was able to help, which meant a few of those late nights and early mornings for me too. My only early mornings were his Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday (which would not have been a late night, except I purchased a new color printer to design and print out his certificates, and it gave me FITS before I got it working) and I went with him to Yongsan this morning which meant meeting at the bus stop at 5:45 am. He had a meeting in Yongsan, so I did not get to spend any time with him there, but we had two hours on the bus this morning. We would have had two hours on the trip home, but his meeting was late and I'd already purchased my ticket so I had to leave Yongsan without him.

I have three posts I am working on, I just spend too much time proof reading them - and STILL find errors to fix. Grrrrr........ I plan on catching up on Monday. . . . . . . . . . yea right.

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