Sunday, September 3, 2006

The ride

Wereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.......

Korea is an ancient civilization, and now I have discovered it is a much more advanced one also. This culture is not constrained by the obstacles that often hinder Western lands and their occupants. I have now experienced an unbefore realized freedom as I am released from the bounds of solid and dotted lines running down the middle of the highway. Two lanes become three as the space continuum is transcended.

No longer is my spirit impeded by mere red lights glaring from above the intersection. Their wicked ways previously caused a termination of the natural flow of life. Now I know they can be completely ignored as I journey ever onward.

Childish notions such as "right of way" are a thing of my past. This higher relm means that the honking of a horn is not required to point out the error of another's ways, but a discernable sign that I am about to pass under the glow of green. Safe passage to my final destination is marked by the harmony of horns, tooting to lay clear the pathway before me.

I am indebted to local taxi drivers for helping me attain this transit nirvana. Soon I shall be one with the road. (whimper)

1 comment:

Betty Lynn said...

(From Carolina) Of course, the ultimate oneness w/the road would entail you becoming a
sticky, glob of pre-evolutionary goo that must be scraped off by ancient tools of digging in order to be processed for the here-after. I would choose wisely & limit your time enjoying these so-called taxi-cab freedoms! Love ya-Carolina