Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Class Is In Session

Today was a busy day, but the highlight was meeting my future English students. We met at a restaurant near the Camp, and had a time of introduction and ironing out the where and when details of our lessons. There was the usual small talk, and since they are all high school teachers, I told them the names of their American class equivalents. Annie teaches Home Economics, Karen teaches PE and Sunnie teaches Social Studies.

During the early stages of our conversation, I said a wrong word but did not realize it. In the meantime, eyebrows raise and in a perfect chorus they mimic me. "Yaaw-wuul" Visual aid: Think of the alien toys in Toy Story.

Yup! I said it - Y'all - and until this meeting, I did not realize HOW MUCH I say it. Every time I said it, I got the same "Yaaw-wuul" chorus. Oh boy, this might be a bit tougher than first imagined.

The following dialogue is brought to you in technicolor in order to avoid all the quotations (lazy blogger syndrome) and to omit all names in and effort to protect the innocent.

Excuse me teacher, what is your major?
Uhhh.... Doe in the headlights look. Okay Sherlock, you figured it out. This color is me!
Yes, teacher, what is your major?
Uhhh.... I start writing, because I need clarity here. I write Funeral Service on the sheet we have started.

Gasp!! The same gasp of mok-sa-nim fame, but I do not receive the corresponding bow. Then she breaks into fast Korean with the other two.

AAAaaahhhhhh! Think Toy Story

So teacher, your husband is pastor, so I think this funeral is perfect job for you.

My, oh my!!! The thoughts I am thinking here - glorious little comments. However, since Elisha called a bear out of the woods to put a hurtin' on some kids making fun of him, I shall not make any comment that could be perceived as making fun of a pastor. (snicker!)

So teacher, you do this? She begins making small fast circles over her eyelids and cheeks.
You do this? This.......make-up?
Yes, I cosmetize.
Really??? She do this??!! Same fast circle motions over her face.

Yes!! In Korea we do this - picks up shoulder seams of shirt
And this - takes hands and makes a motion like she is going underneath something
This is buur-ree.
Yes, bury.

But in America, they do this. Fast circles again
We cosmetize.
Yes, cosmo....then this - pretends to button her shirt
And then they look! Emphasis on the look.


Good grief! How do I explain the finer emotional, psychological and sociological points of the hallowed "Visitation" in simple English? I don't, I just smile and nod. Hmmmm....maybe I need more Funeral Service Continuing Education!!!

Since my major does not seem to be a problem, I change the direction of this conversation and we continue on with our "get to know you" session. (I think they may already know too much!) We have a wonderful visit, and I now know that should Korea ever cease to enchant me, our future lessons have the potential to fill any blog.

After our first class, my AP English students have mastered "Y'all"
Our next lesson is "Ain't"
Class is dismissed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh. The finer points of funeral service are definately lost in translation. Very funny. Hang in the teacher, you have all of "us'uns here cheering you on